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'Old' GCSE
If you are currently in Y10 or Y11 as of January 2016, then this section is for you. Click the button below or use the menu to access content on the following topics and support material for exam skills;
Britain 1890-1918 (30% of GCSE - Paper 2 exam)
Nazi Germany (Coursework - 25% of GCSE)
Russia 1905-41 (25% of GCSE - Paper 1 exam. OR USA)
USA 1919-41 (25% of GCSE - Paper 1 exam. OR RUSSIA)
A New World 1969-2005 (20% of GCSE - Paper 1 exam)
'New' GCSE
If you are currently in Y9 as of, or after, January 2016, then this section is for you. Click on the 'New GCSE' text above or button below to access sections on the following topics;
Medicine in Britain 1250-Present (Paper 1 - 20%)
British sector of the Western Front 1914-18 (Paper 1 - 10%)
Early Elizabethan England 1558-88 (Paper 2 - 20%)
The American West 1835-95 (Paper 2 - 20%)
Russia and the Soviet Union 1917-41 (Paper 3 - 30%)

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